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Creating Champions Peru
Micaela Bastidas 825 Ave.
45 Cuzco, Peru
Personalverantwortlich bei Creating Champions Peru
General Director
Sony Cueva
Tel.: +51984739309

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Erfahrungsbericht - "I am thankful for letting me be a part of this project"

Be part of their success!
Erfahrungsbericht mit Andrea Martínez (Uruguay, Cologne Sport University, Internship: Early Sport Program Designer) von Creating Champions Peru
I am thankful for letting me be a part of this project

Autor / Werdegang
Autor des Erfahrungsberichtes: Andrea Martínez (Uruguay, Cologne Sport University, Internship: Early Sport Program Designer) von Creating Champions Peru
Andrea Martínez (Uruguay, Cologne Sport University, Internship: Early Sport Program Designer)

I'm just done with my internship and I feel really sad about it.
Being a part of this organization and meeting amazing people encouraging the sport development in South America was an amazing experience.
Sony, the organization's director, is really nice and warm-hearted person from whom I learnt lots!
I am thankful with all the people of CCP for letting me be a part of this project and I am looking forward to see the progress of the kids and the organisation!

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