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Creating Champions Peru
Micaela Bastidas 825 Ave.
45 Cuzco, Peru
Personalverantwortlich bei Creating Champions Peru
General Director
Sony Cueva
Tel.: +51984739309

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Erfahrungsbericht - "I loved the other interns who were there at the same time"

Be part of their success!
Erfahrungsbericht mit Julia Wilfling (German, Chemnitz Technical University, Internship: Sport coach) von Creating Champions Peru
I loved the other interns who were there at the same time

Autor / Werdegang
Autor des Erfahrungsberichtes: Julia Wilfling (German, Chemnitz Technical University, Internship: Sport coach) von Creating Champions Peru
Julia Wilfling (German, Chemnitz Technical University, Internship: Sport coach)

My internship is done now. I got the chance to spend and live 2 months in this awesome country. I really like to live at different places, get to know the people and the culture and not just travel through them.
In these two months I learned a lot for myself. The kids in Cusco were just awesome. The hard court in the schoolyard where we trained our kids was just right next to a private green grassed sports field with a running court, volleyball nets, soccer, … It is crazy to see the differences here. That's why it was even more crazy to see how happy and motivated the kids are! I saw even in those two months a lot of progress and I would love to come back one day to see them again!
Sony, the leader of the organisation, is giving everything for the kids. It's not just the organisation he loves, he creates family! I loved the other interns who were there at the same time and for sure I will go to Cologne for a visit!
Besos a Peru! Hasta luego!

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