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European Student Placement Agency Ltd.
Unit 12, Brassmill Enterprise Centre
BA1 3JN Bath
Human Resources
Herr Alex Fernandez
Tel.: +441225430641

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Einstiegsgehalt / Vergütung bei ESPA UK

Einstiegsgehalt Absolventen (Bachelor)
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Einstiegsgehalt Absolventen (Master)
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Einstiegsgehalt Trainee
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Vergütung Praktikum
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Vergütung Abschlussarbeit
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Vergütung Werkstudent
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All ESPA’s services are free for students and alumni. The benefits are:
1) Paid Accommodation.
2) Paid Utility Bills (electricity, gas, water and council tax) + Internet Access
3) Commuter travel to work (accommodation will be found within an acceptable commuting distance from the workplace, if that requires more than a sensible walk then a bus/train ticket will be provided).
This will be sourced and managed on your behalf by ESPA. These benefits have an approximate value of 700?-1000? per month (depending on location).
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