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Firmengeschichte von eKomi Holding

Firmengeschichte von eKomi Holding
eKomi Holding GmbH - “The Feedback Company”
eKomi Holding GmbH is Europe’s first and biggest independent provider of transaction-based customer and product reviews. It
Als globaler Google-Partner mit über 150 Mitarbeiter*innen aus 40 Nationen und mit Niederlassungen in Los Angeles sowie in London, Madrid und Südafrika, hat eKomi bereits mehr als 40 Millionen Bewertungen für Kunden gesammelt und veröffentlicht.
Mehr als 14.000 Unternehmen vertrauen unserer Social-Commerce-Technologie – sie gewinnen dadurch neue Kunden, steigern Umsätze und minimieren Rücksendungen. Mit uns können Unternehmen sicher sein, dass die Meinungen über sie von echten Kunden und Nutzern stammen.
About eKomi
n 2005, Ambros, together with close friend and business colleague Gunther Schmidt, founded his first start-up company, SMS Lotse, which became one of the most far-reaching and successful telecommunications portals in Germany. In 2007, Ambros was employed as an online marketing specialist at the European Founders Fund GmbH, where he was responsible for various portfolio companies.

In early 2008, Ambros launched his second company, Medici Internet AG, an agency specializing in performance and affiliate marketing. To date, Ambros currently serves on the Board of Directors at Medici Internet AG. Just six months later, in the summer of 2008, Ambros founded eKomi, Europe's premiere and largest independent provider of transaction-based reviews and ratings. Ambros’ vast list of specialties include product reviews, product ratings, shop ratings, seller ratings, customer feedback, social recommendations, SEM, SEO, and more. Ambros is considered a proven social commerce expert and is a frequent speaker at events on this topic. Ambros holds international awards in innovation by CeBIT, The Fraunhofer Institute and SME Initiative.

He’s an active member of both the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) and Young Entrepreneur Council and spends his time internationally between eKomi’s hub city offices where he spearheads global expansion, strategy, operations, and management of all eKomi's enterprises.

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