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Am Campeon 1-12
85579 Neubiberg
Emerging Talents
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Karriere bei Infineon

Showroom von Infineon
Driving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.
We are a world leader in semiconductor solutions combining entrepreneurial success with responsible action, Infineon makes life easier, safer and greener. Barely visible, semiconductors have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Ranked one of the global top semiconductor companies, we play a key role in shaping a better future – with microelectronics that link the real and the digital world. Our semiconductors enable efficient energy management, smart mobility, as well as secure, seamless communications in an increasingly connected world.

As a student, you can choose from a wide variety of company departments: From research and development to production and manufacturing to central functions such as human resources, purchasing or IT - there is something for everyone!

An internship at Infineon usually lasts at least three months. In addition to internships, we also offer a variety of working student positions and theses. Our students particularly appreciate the exciting tasks and the good relationship with colleagues and superiors.
Geplante Einstellungen für 2025
Absolventen: keine Angabe
Trainees: keine Angabe
Praktikanten: keine Angabe
Abschlussarbeiten: keine Angabe
Werkstudenten: keine Angabe
Duale Studenten: keine Angabe
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