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Korn Ferry
Barckhausstr, 12-14
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Professional Search & RPO - Projects EMEA
Kathryn Schrader
Katrin Kühne
Tel.: +49 69 979 95 94 0

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Firmengeschichte von Korn Ferry

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Firmengeschichte von Korn Ferry
50 years Korn Ferry
Being amazing since 50 years
Innovators from the start

In November 2019, Korn Ferry marks 50 years of enabling people and organizations to exceed their potential. Take a look back at some of the highlights from our first half-century.
1969 Korn Ferry is founded in Los Angeles by Lester B. Korn and Richard M. Ferry with a $10,000 investment. Lester becomes first Chief Executive Officer.
1977 A merger with Hazzard & Associates establishes offices in Mexico and opens doors to rest of Latin America, allowing Korn Ferry to become the dominant firm in the region.
1990 Achieves $100 million in annual revenue.
1991 Richard Ferry is appointed Chief Executive Officer.
1994 Korn Ferry officially enters China.
1998 Futurestep is launched in a strategic alliance with the Wall Street Journal. Win Priem is appointed Chief Executive Officer.
1999 Begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
2000 Launches e-Korn Ferry, the first online executive center for job candidates.
2001 Paul Reilly is appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
2006 Purchases leadership development provider Lominger, Korn Ferry’s first acquisition outside executive search.
2007 Gary Burnison is appointed Chief Executive Officer. Acquires Newman Group and LeaderSource, building capability around talent acquisition advisory services and leadership development.
2008 Acquires Lore International Institute, a provider of leadership development services. Korn Ferry Institute becomes “think tank” for producing groundbreaking research.
2009 Acquires London-based executive search and consulting leader Whitehead Mann. Acquires intellectual property assets from Decision Dynamics. Launches Briefings on Talent & Leadership, a quarterly print and

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