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LeanIX GmbH
Fürstenstr. 4
53111 Bonn
Constantin von Wülfing
Tel.: +49 228 2862992 0

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LeanIX offers a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for Enterprise Architecture (EA), which enables organizations to take faster, data-driven decisions in their IT. More than 100 leading brands such as Adidas, DHL, Merck, Vodafone or Zalando use the innovative solution worldwide. Users of LeanIX gain insight how well the used technology supports the business to increase competitiveness and to strengthen innovation. LeanIX addresses the frequent problem, that the required information about the IT landscape is missing, outdated or difficult to analyze. Use cases include application rationalization, technology risk management and the shift from monolithic architectures to microservices. LeanIX was founded in 2012 by Jörg Beyer and André Christ. The company's headquarter is in Bonn, with offices in Boston, Massachusetts and Houston, Texas. A wide network of partners provides support in America, Europe and Australia.
Geplante Einstellungen für 2024
Absolventen: keine Angabe
Trainees: keine Angabe
Praktikanten: keine Angabe
Abschlussarbeiten: keine Angabe
Werkstudenten: keine Angabe
Duale Studenten: keine Angabe
Gesuchte Fachrichtungen
verschiedene Fachrichtungen, je nach Funktion.

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