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UN World Food Programme Berlin
Zimmerstr. 79/80
10117 Berlin
Fr. Kollitz
Tel.: +4930206149 0

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Karriere bei UN World Food Programme Berlin

Showroom von UN World Food Programme Berlin
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Organizational Context

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide, assisting 80 million people in about 80 countries each year, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition, build resilience and support sustainable agriculture.

The WFP Berlin Office

An internship at WFP is a great opportunity to acquire practical work experience while contributing to the goal of reaching Zero Hunger. Interns at WFP Berlin gain profound insight into highly relevant political processes in the UN and in government entities. The seven-month assignment allows gaining a deep understanding of how humanitarian assistance in emergency contexts is implemented and how it is interconnected with long-term development cooperation. As WFP is solely financed through voluntary contributions and Germany currently is the second largest bilateral government donor, the work of the WFP Berlin office is critical for the organisation.
Geplante Einstellungen für 2025
Absolventen: keine Angabe
Trainees: keine Angabe
Praktikanten: keine Angabe
Abschlussarbeiten: keine Angabe
Werkstudenten: keine Angabe
Duale Studenten: keine Angabe
Gesuchte Fachrichtungen
Government Partnerships, Communications, Administration/ Finance

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