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Karriere bei Valuecase

Showroom von Valuecase
A Selling Experience Buyers Love.
We enable B2B sales teams to differentiate from their competition and systemise a buyer-centric digital sales process.

With Valuecase customer-facing teams create digital spaces that take their buyers by hand from first call over onboarding to customer success. Valuecase spaces include all relevant information, promote collaboration, and are highly customizable. And creating them is as easy as writing an e-mail.

We are driven by our vision to build a software platform that re-defines how millions of B2B sellers and buyers across the globe interact and close deals. We aspire to transform the market for B2B sales tech as companies such as Salesforce and HubSpot have done so over the past 20 years.
We raised our pre-seed from Picus Capital.

We are always looking for exceptional talents who want to be part of our journey re-defining how B2B sales and customer success is done.
Geplante Einstellungen für 2025
Absolventen: keine Angabe
Trainees: keine Angabe
Praktikanten: keine Angabe
Abschlussarbeiten: keine Angabe
Werkstudenten: keine Angabe
Duale Studenten: keine Angabe
Gesuchte Fachrichtungen
- Developer (Frontend, Backend, Fullstack)
- Business Development & Growth
- Venture Development

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