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Kaiserswerther Str. 135
40474 Düsseldorf
Human Resources
Herr Nabil Hagag
Tel.: 0152 23360000

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Firmengeschichte von Weslax

Conquer the skies by Advanced Air Mobility
Firmengeschichte von Weslax
Weslax - Innovative driver of Advanced Air Mobility
Our Company
Our mindset of creativity in the Advanced Air Mobility, specialized in Firefighting, Emergency & Rescue and Cargo-Services. We managed to create drones to be in the skies 24/7 with innovative technology to mission in any weather conditions. Hy-Platform enables multipurpose use-cases by hardware and AI-connected software to save time and be efficient. We succussed in creating a 3S-Rule for our measurements: Safe, Speed and Security to guarantee UAV service for our stakeholders.
Our Goals, Mission and Vision
As a leading technology provider for Air Mobility, we follow our vision “3S”. VISION 3S takes a holistic view of technological progress. We want our technology to make a positive contribution in a wide range of areas. When the alarm calls, our drones lift. With the mission:

To save lives!

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